Wednesday, November 11


Gross: Finding a dead spider in your bedside Vaseline. Deciding to deal with it tomorrow.

Grosser: Applying Vaseline to your lips in the dark the next night and wondering what that crusty thing was. Realizing what that crusty thing was.


Charly said...

Haha...this made me laugh out loud. That would seriously gross me out. Hope you are doing well!

heather said...

Oh my gosh! I read this and immediately looked at your picture in the sidebar of your blog - the picture seems very fitting!! YUCK!!

Cottam Family said...

Gross! I would've freaked out! One time I was eating a bag of potato chips and without realizing it I almost ate a cockroach!

Katie said...

OH NO! That would be horribly gross. I hope you didn't lick your lips... ewww.

Anonymous said...


Ann-Marie said...

DISGUSTING!!!! I would've died. I hope you threw the whole thing away and didn't just scoop out the spider! ;)

Mariley Johnson said...

Your profile picture was a great addition next to that story!!

Amy said...

Sick. Sick sick sick. The real question is how long before your hubby kissed you again?

Melanie said...

Ahhh!!! That's disgusting! I think I would have thrown up.

Jillian said...

I'm at work, and just laughing! My co-workers agree with the Eew gross factor on this one. What a trooper you are!