Friday, November 27


I just wanted to say that if I came across anti-hospital in my last post, I didn't mean to. Hospitals are great places to have babies (my friend Melanie that I referenced had hers in a hospital in Utah County). My intended point was just that I was exposed to information that both surprised me and challenged a lot of my assumptions about birth. So that post was partly to explain myself (since what I'm doing is outside the norm) and partly to pass along some things that I found helpful -- since this info wasn't offered by either of the OBs I had seen (one great, one not-so-great) -- in case there's another "me" out there who will appreciate it.


Charly said...

And it was a great post. Again, best wishes for your success! =)

Ann-Marie said...

I think you did a great job in your last post. Seriously.

heather said...

I think your last post was great - I really enjoyed reading it. My sister has had wonderful experiences with her midwives and fully endorsed them to me. I ended up the OB route in the hospital and really can't complain about anything besides a few nurses (maybe 2 out of the 8??) that were a little on the weird side. :) But like I said, I really liked your post and explanation of everything. I didn't feel pushed or scolded, or even reprimanded for doing things differently. So thanks for sharing your thoughts in a very non-judgmental way! You're always so good at that. Love it.

Jillian said...

I don't think you were anti-hospitals at all. In fact, there are more hospitals leaning in this direction too. They can go hand in hand as long as the doctors and staff respect and follow the parents' birth plan. It kind of nice.