Monday, November 10

Travelblogue: The Best Part

I invariably get asked what my favorite part was about visiting Italy. (At least I used to get asked that, like 4 months ago, when this topic was still timely.)

And this is invariably my answer:

I liked hanging out with this guy, too:
(Mostly to look at his beard, and see his sweet frisbee moves.)

But Alaina takes the Dani's-favorite-part-of-Italy-ever prize. Some days I just couldn't wait for her to come home from school so we could play. I love this girl so much my heart might explode.

And I'll just top it all off with my two favorite pictures of the trip, in descending order:


Scotty B said...

i miss you guys. Tell Mark I say hi and that I can't wait to play vball against him again...

Mariley Johnson said...

great pictures.

Kim said...

wow mark really does have the Frisbee moves! Sometimes I like living in Texas just because then when I visit my family I don't take it for granted. The distance forces you to appreciate them more.

Katie said...

Sometimes it is so crazy to me how old your sister is. It doesn't seem like that long ago that we hung out every day and counted the steps between our houses to find halfway and she was born... I'm so glad you had such a great time with your family. Next time you talk to them, tell them I (and my family) say "Hi!"

Amy said...

Covet covet covet covet.

Jancisco said...

She is ADORABLE. and the pictures are dreamy. And if the Elders Quorum president can grow a beard, what further proof does Ben need????!!!

Heidi said...

WHOA she looks way way way older than I remember.

heather said...

Dani these pictures are great - especially your two favorites at the end!! They are my favorite too!! Thanks for sharing your memories with us - we sure miss you guys.