Sunday, August 10

Travelblogue: Preface

August 10, 2008.

Dear Diary,

For exactly two months I have rationed our overseas journey's precious provisions with utmost care. They would have lasted longer if not for a ravenous beast in my midst who consumed a small portion. The beast's subsequent comment that it "preferred the Hershey bar they gave us in Sacrament meeting on Father's Day" disgusted me, and I threw it a Symphony of equal weight in order to appease its inferior appetite.

Today marks a grievous day: only one piece of Swiss chocolate remains. My survival is precarious.


Heidi said...

stay strong. stay strong.

Kim said...

I'm almost in tears for you.

Jancisco said...

I'll be right over. Don't you dare eat that without me.

Melanie said...

Oh, I wish I had made my Swiss chocolate last longer than I did...
(Hi, bytheyway! I found you through Scotty B. Hope you don't mind the "blog stalking")

heather said...

So I love the new picture of the dinosaur - classic! :)