Tuesday, March 23

Celebrity Crush

I'm totally head-over-heels for Prince Naveen. We maybe watched The Princess and the Frog twice in 24 hours. I'm still laughing.


Ann-Marie said...

My sister adored the show too. Hhmmm, maybe THAT is what I'll do during G's 28 hour shift tomorrow!

Amy said...

I gotta get that movie. I've heard ONLY good about it.

Lindsey Whiting said...

i'm understanding this. it's his accent!

Charly said...

My girls ADORE that movie! It is obe that I do not mind hearing over and over because it has great music and hilarious one-liners!

Bubble said...

I'm TOTALLY with you on that. I really think they did a great job to keep the magic of Disney in that movie. I was really afraid it'd be a huge loss and disappointing, but I really, REALLY, liked it. Hooray!