Friday, May 14

I don't get it

I've been teaching the Old Testament to 17-year-olds since January. You've really got to wonder about those Israelites, grumbling about how rough life is while munching on some miracle manna. Their Achilles' heel seems to be those pesky foreign gods, but honestly I'm puzzled at the allure of worshiping shiny, inanimate, man-made objects. How can we even relate to these people?


Mariley Johnson said...

Good one!

We've missed you. When are you heading back up north to SA?

Amy said...

Are you allowed to dismiss Sunday School and just tell them to go read your blog instead?

Anonymous said...

Wait. I don't get it...

Cindy Lou said...

LOOOVE your comparison!!! Thanks for a quick reminder to worship the creator and not the creations (or creations of the creations)

Doctor Z said...

bravo, was just passing through (that "next blog" is addictive when you're bored) and thought this was a great observation. what i found insanely silly about the israelites was that they constantly saw God perform miracles to save them, and still they complained. which makes them a great exemplification of the tired ole human condition if you ask me.