Sunday, December 20


Back by popular demand...


I've been asked about this name. There isn't much of a story except this:
When I was a little girl, I loved planning what I would name my children, and top on the list was Maren, because I thought I had made it up. Imagine my dismay, as a small child, to find that there was someone in my ward named Marin. I was understandably upset. My baby was supposed to be the only Maren in the world!
Anyway, I had forgotten about that name until a few months ago. I just remembered, oh yeah, I loved that name as a kid! And when she was born, Maren fit better than the other names we had considered.
So there you go.

Gnome pants
My mom made these, and all my siblings wore them as well as many of my nieces and nephews. They also come in blue and maroon. These are my favorite three outfits by far.

Snoozing in the sun with Dad

Checking out the world

Much happier about the post-umbilical bath than last week's sponge bath

Best. Picture. Ever.


Katie said...

She is so cute! I am so excited for you. :)

Charly said...

Oh she is too, too cuuuute!

heather said...

That last picture is definitely the best one in the world! Oh I love her!

Ann-Marie said...

That last picture---AMAZING!!!

Jancisco said...

Oh! She has DIMPLES!

Cottam Family said...

She is beautiful! I love that last picture!

Our Little Family said...

She is so beautiful! Maren seems like a very alert baby. I love the dimple in her right cheek.

Heidi said...

blargh. uterus!